Market Attractiveness Analysis Using Digital Marketing for Higher Education Choices
Competition between universities in the metropolitan Bandung Raya has caused various universities to use digital marketing in their marketing programs. The use of digital marketing is based on consideration of market attractiveness, which is owned so that it is expected to improve decisions to choose universities that are of interest to prospective students. This study uses a quantitative method by distributing questionnaires to 388 students at 14 universities that use digital marketing in the Bandung Raya metropolitan area. Based on the calculation results, it can be seen that the Market Attractiveness variable has a direct effect of 11.88%. The results of the calculation of the coefficient of determination (R2) expressed in percentages describe the contribution of three exogenous variables, namely: Market Attractiveness, Target Market, and Uniqueness of Resources. on Public Trust by 70.38 percent while the contribution of the intervening variable, namely Digital Marketing to the Decision to Choose Higher Education, is 79.74%.
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