Literature Review on Employee Commitment

Tutik Winarsih


Employee Commitment (EC) literature has grown very large, and there's a need to recognize the cutting-edge troubles on this frame of literature. This systematic evaluate aimed to study modern-day problems in EC. The research search in several databases, together with EBSCO commercial enterprise source most excellent (BSP), business supply entire (BSC), directory of Open get entry to Journals (DOAJ), instructional seek whole (ASC), technology Direct (SD), Sage Journals (SJ), Taylor and Francis online (T&FO), Emerald perception (EI), Wiley on-line Library (WOL) and ProQuest. The hunt in online databases observed 86 studies and thru energetic 8 studies become selected for overview. After analyzing the cloth, “human resource (HR) rules”, “wages/salaries”, “management/supervisory and subordinate’s relationships”, “language skill ability”, “best service and gadgets’ delivery”, “non-stop improvement corporations”, “emotional empowerment”, “job pride” and “leadership dimensions” emerged as essential contemporary troubles. The evaluate also discovered no hyperlink among the EC and the economic crisis. The researchers concluded that the literature on EC has grown so massive that researchers have to conduct normal evaluations to update destiny researchers. but, in addition to restricting the systematic process, the contemporary reviewers endorse that further research should be conducted to decide the outcomes of this review.


employee commitment; current issues; systematic review

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