Development of Students Work Sheet Based on Realistic Mathematic Approach with Ethnomatematic nuanced to Improve Critical Thinking of 4th Grade Students in Primary School (SD NEGERI 091358 Haranggaol, Haranggaol Horisan Sub-District)
This study aims to develop students' worksheets based on a realistic mathematical approach with Ethnomatematic named on rounding numbers in 4th grade of primary school (SD Negeri 091358 Haranggaol, Haranggaol Horisan Sub-District). The object of this research is the Student Worksheet based on Realistic Mathematics Approach in Ethnomatematic nuance. The instrument used in this study was the mathematics learning achievement test and student response questionnaire. Data were collected and analyzed with quantitative descriptive analysis techniques. This research method is Borg & Gall development research combined with Dick & Carey's learning development model. The test subjects consisted of material and design learning experts, two linguists, using trial I and trial II. The results showed (1) The results of the expert test of subject matter on the assessment of the appropriateness of the content and the feasibility of the presentation were in very good criteria (85.42%); (2) The results of the learning design expert test were in very good criteria (94.23%); (3) Linguists' test results are in very good criteria (94.44%); (4) The results of trial I are in good criteria (60%); (5) The results of trial II are in very good criteria (90%).
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