A Study of Rendering Metaphors in the Translation of the Titles of Persian Medical Articles
This study is an attempt to probe into the translation of metaphors in medical articles, to see whether the translators managed to render the same connotation of metaphors into English. This study covers some points for translating Persian metaphors into English through Newmark strategies (1988). As regards the most frequent strategy among the seven strategies proposed by Peter Newmark for translating metaphors, it was clarified that metaphors are rarely used in Iranian medical journals and cultural factors don't play an important role in translating. As a result, the researchers have come to the conclusion that titles as a text type may help improve medical academic literacy. This study is part of a growing body of research in the field. In using a largely untapped source of medical translation, this project will contribute to future research on similar topics. Also, the result of this study can be useful for medical and para-medical professionals, students, nurses and doctors in completing and updating their medical education and knowledge because they are the choicest readers of medical articles.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33258/birle.v3i1.675
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