The Influence Self Efficacy, Flow, through Achievement Motivation on Mathematics Learning Outcomes of Class VIII Students in DKI Jakarta Region

Liza Nurita, Riyadi Riyadi, Komarudin Komarudin


Mathematics learning is one of the most important basics because it is closely related to everyday life and is designed to hone thinking from complex problems. In fact, students at school are more likely to dislike mathematics because it is considered a difficult subject and has a lot of formulas and calculations. As a result, students do not have the interest and motivation to learn mathematics, resulting in low mathematics learning outcomes of students at school. This study aims to examine the effect of direct and indirect effects between math self-efficacy, academic flow, achievement motivation and mathematics learning outcomes at SMPN DKI Jakarta. The research method used is a quantitative explanatory survey with a causal approach. The sample is 302 class VIII junior high school students who are in the DKI Jakarta Province for the 2021/2022 Academic Year. The data collection method is in the form of a questionnaire/questionnaire. The analysis technique uses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis and uses the help of the AMOS v24 tool. The results showed that math self-efficacy significantly affected flow, achievement motivation, and learning outcomes. Significantly flow affects achievement motivation but does not significantly affect mathematics learning outcomes. significantly from achievement motivation affects mathematics learning outcomes. Indirectly, math self-efficacy significantly affects achievement motivation through academic flow. Indirectly, math self-efficacy does not significantly affect mathematics learning outcomes through achievement motivation. Indirectly, math self-efficacy affects mathematics learning outcomes through flow academicIndirectly flow affects mathematics learning outcomes through achievement motivation.


math self-efficacy; academic flow; achievement motivation; mathematics learning outcomes

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