Tawkil Traditions in the Implementation of Marriage Contract in Aceh, Indonesia

Imran Imran, Muammar Muammar, Jauharah Jauharah, T. Azwar Aziz, Darmawi Darmawi, Hadianti Hadianti


The existence of guardians in the implementation of marriage contract has been explained in Islamic law in a clear and detailed manner. Guardian for a woman becomes one of pillar in the implementation of the marriage contract, and has a systematic sequence that starts from the main one and moves sequentially to the one after, if the one above is considered uzur. But the primacy of the existence of the guardian is not utilized maximally in the perception of the Acehnese people. So that most people tend to represent the implementation of the marriage contract to other people such as pious people or marriage registration officers. The parental guardian prefers to care for his guardian rights to others even though basically there is no obstacle that hinder him. The problem is the practice law of tawkil marriage in the tradition of Aceh people according to Islamic law review. The results of the study shows that the public perception of the implementation of wakalah (tawkil) marriage is based on an understanding about the ability to be brave in the implementation of the marriage contract. But their understanding is based on habits that occur in the traditions of society, not based on the results of scientific studies. Indeed, the practice of tawkil or wakalah marriage that occurs in Acehnese society does not conflict with religious law, but the implication is the erosion of the erosion of the existence of guardians and the parental guardian in a very memorable contract in the history of a human life.


Tawkil tradition; marriage contract; Aceh.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33258/birci.v2i3.410

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